The Benefits Of Playing Video Games



Players who play violent games may feel guilty about their behavior in the virtual world, which can make them more sensitive to the moral issues they have violated while playing. Given all this, it is worth remembering once again that the type of genre affects the brain differently, and it should not be generalized that all video games have the same effect or advantage. For example, researchers in one study hypothesize that playing strategy games leads to improved memory tasks, while playing action games that stimulate the limbic zone and induce emotional arousal may be beneficial for people with mood disorders. Another group of researchers from the Chinese University of Electronic Science and Technology and Australia’s Macquarie University in Sydney has discovered a link between action video games and an increase in the volume of gray matter in the brain. There is also evidence that children who play video games improve their leadership skills. Many popular games involve a group working together to overcome an obstacle or defeat an enemy.

Amblyopia (also called “lazy eye”) is a condition that arises from early childhood in which an eye essentially becomes non-functional. Li and his colleagues conducted experiments in which some adults with this disease played action video games with only the evil eye. Other adults with the disease have done other things with the right eye covered, such as knitting or watching TV. The result was that those in the game state showed great improvement – often to normal or almost normal operation – while those in other conditions did not.

Other studies show that many gamers regularly skip homework to play games, and many students have admitted that their video game habits are often responsible for poor grades. Video games help children with dyslexia read faster and more accurately, according to a study in the journal Current Biology. In addition, spatial and temporal attention also improved during action video game training. Improved attention can directly translate into better reading skills.

Improved ability to recognize visual information quickly and accurately – A study by Beth Israel Medical Center NY found a direct link between mastering video games and mastering keyhole or laparoscopic surgery. Doctors who played video games for at least three hours a week made about 37 percent fewer mistakes during surgery Video Game Trailers and performed the task 27 percent faster than non-gaming surgeons. Another study found that people who regularly play video games are better at recording visual data and are therefore faster visual learners. They are also more resistant to perceptual interference and can therefore learn longer in distracting environments.

These are the same functions that are essential to reading proficiency. In fact, the scientists found a 7-fold improvement in attention control in children who played the game compared to those who didn’t, and this was maintained in a follow-up test 6 months later. According to the American Psychological Association, gameplay has an effect on cognitive function by improving a player’s spatial navigation, reasoning, memory, and perception. In a paper published in their journal American Psychologist, the researchers found that players of first- and third-person shooters developed a better ability to think about three-dimensional objects, a useful trait for students engaged in STEM-related fields. Children who played strategic role-playing games had better problem-solving skills and enjoyed increased creativity, regardless of the type of game they played.

However, the cognitive benefit of playing video games is highlighted in current research. Contrary to some beliefs, the average American gambler is a 35-year-old adult, and many adults regularly play games for at least three hours a week. Despite what people may think, playing video games boosts your mood and has lasting effects.

Video games can promote critical thinking, problem solving, creativity, and collaboration. Friendly competition promotes “pro-social” behavior – the ability to account for the feelings of others – as well as iterative learning. If you have a guy, you’ve probably noticed that he likes to play video games with friends.

This requires the real player to keep track of the character’s position, where he is going, his speed, where the gun points, whether the shots hit the enemy, etc. All these factors must be taken into account and then the player must coordinate the interpretation and response of the brain with the movement in his hands and fingertips. This process requires a lot of hand-eye coordination and visual-spatial ability to succeed. Research also suggests that people can learn iconic, spatial, and visual attention skills from video games.

In addition, research on the subject suggests that, in many cases, brain training games can help you primarily improve cognitive tasks that are closely related to game tasks, but that these effects rarely extend to other tasks. When it comes to the other benefits of playing video games, in terms of factors such as motivation, social behavior, and emotional well-being, there is similar variability in terms of the duration of these benefits. Nevertheless, even in cases where playing video games only has short-term effects, the benefits may still be significant enough that playing those games is usually worth it. While all other studies seem to draw opposite conclusions about the social effects of playing violent video games, studies with brain scans are concerning. If they’re under the age of 12, it’s probably best to limit online interactions to video games or other players they know in real life.

Video games can also have bad effects on some children’s health, including eye strain, headaches, and video-induced seizures. Sitting in front of the screen for hours prevents the player from moving. Video games are frowned upon by parents as a waste of time, and worse, some education experts believe that these games corrupt the brain. Playing violent video games is easily blamed by the media and some experts as the reason why some young people become violent or engage in extremely antisocial behavior. But many scientists and psychologists find that video games can actually have many benefits – the most important being to make children smart.